Providing smiles for children across Western New York
Your gift to Little Smiles™ does far more than just help kids be kids during difficult times. It shows them that their community supports them. It reminds them that they are just like their peers, no matter what situation they are going through. Above all, your support lets them know it is okay to smile and be a normal kid.
For over 5 years, Little Smiles™ has served children in difficult circumstances throughout Western New York.
Please consider giving a gift of any size to help us fulfill more dreams and wishes of our local children.
Little Smiles™ is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by tax laws. The tax deduction is limited to the excess of the contribution over the fair market value of any items received in exchange for the donation.

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Who We Are
Our Accomplishments

We work with nurses and social workers who submit individual requests to help children when they need it most.

We deliver snacks and special treats to kids in the facilities we partner with. We also provide toys and games for special requests.

We work with local hospitals, police stations, and schools to provide goods to kids in need, such as food, clothing, and toys.